I Have Nothing to Sell You

I basically don’t have a single useful thing. I suggest you keep scrolling.

I Have Nothing to Sell You
Image by VectorRocket. Licensed from Adobe Stock.

I can’t get you to 100 followers.

I don’t know any tricks that will grow your freelance empire.

I don’t know any get rich side hustles.

NFTs are still a mystery to me and crytocurrencies seem mildly unethical.

I can’t help you get started on Etsy, print-on-demand, or Substack.

I don’t know the websites that will pay you to take surveys.

Therefore, I suspect I don’t have anything to offer you.

I have nothing of value, based on what the Internet has defined as valuable.

But I do have a suggestion:

Take a rest.
A nap.
A breather.

Just…stop. Relax your body. Set your phone down.

Tell me what it is that makes you heart skip and you spirit sing?

I sincerely want to know this. It would be far more interesting to me than reading one more article about how to make $5.04 an hour in exchange for sharing my innermost longings in online spaces.

Hustle culture needs to fade away.

Because most of what I’m reading makes me sad that folks are commodifying their creativity not because they want to, but because at least two generations of adults can’t comfortably live unless they are working more than full time hours.

Take care of yourself; your body, mind, and spirit.

Take another breath.

Tell me what it is that makes you heart skip and you spirit sing?

I’ll be watching in the comments. ✍🏼

Hi! 👋🏼 I’m Rev. Bri-anne. You can also find me on Twitter and Instagram, or leading Resistance Church — an entirely online, 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧ ️positive faith community centered around rest, hope, and community as holy resistance to an unjust world.